University Badm#1 » Sanctions #1

McGill Intramurals - BADMINTON - Fall 2014

University Sep-Nov 2014
Montreal, Quebec   Country


Game Team Reason
#21 Doesn't Matter -1 PTS Sets won
#21 L Squared 1 PTS Sets lost
#44 Detonators -1 PTS Sets won
#44 Doesn't Matter 1 PTS Sets lost
#7 Azn Sensation -1 PTS Sets won
#7 My Little Pony 1 PTS Sets lost
#79 XiuMingToGuangzhou -1 PTS Sets won
#79 Azn Sensation 1 PTS Sets lost
The following rules are applied automatically:
A team wins by a difference of 1 sets, remove 1 points.
A team loses by a difference of 1 sets, add 1 points.