HELP » Team Management

Whether you're playing for an amateur or a professional team, there are management duties.

To help distribute those duties, we've defined the following team roles:

Team Manager Manages entire team operations.
Captain Leader of team, responsible for talking to officials.
Assistant Captain Assists team captain.
Coach Establishes a strategy for the team, organizes team pratices and training.
Assistant Coach Shares coaching duties with coach.
Doctor Helps players recover from injuries.
Trainer Trains players for top physical shape.

A team manager is granted special privileges that allows him to modify information about the team.
In most amateur teams, the team manager will be a coach, captain and a player!

What is an 'unmanaged' team?

An unmanaged team is a team with no active team manager account on

League managers have access to both view and modify information about an 'unmanaged' team, such as the team roster, player positions and more.

If your team is unmanaged, we encourage you to contact your league manager. Most often, the league will add your team captain or team coach as the initial manager.

You can also contact us at if you have any trouble managing your team.

Team Coordinator

A team can have multiple managers but must always have a single coordinator.

The coordinator is the team manager who will receive all e-mails concerning game availability or re-scheduling.
He is responsible for making sure that enough players are available for each game and finding new recruits.