Ontario » Ottawa » Leitrim Park Crawford Baseball Diamond #1
3290 Leitrim Road
Ottawa ON  K1T 3Z4
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Leitrim Park Crawford Baseball Diamond

Ottawa, Ontario (Canada)

The Crawford baseball diamond is the north-west diamond closest to the parking lot (see photo)


Past results (6)

Date & Time Home team Result Away team Location
Monday Aug 13
8:00 PM Loos' Your Daddy 1:0 Result Cool Beans Leitrim Park Crawford Baseball Diamond
6:30 PM Broddaasss and Sistaaas 0:1 Result The Red Shirts Leitrim Park Crawford Baseball Diamond
Monday Jul 30
8:00 PM I thought this was trivia night 0:1 Result Feedbag Leitrim Park Crawford Baseball Diamond
6:30 PM Run Like The Winded 1:0 Result Individuals 2: Individuals United! Leitrim Park Crawford Baseball Diamond
Monday Jul 16
6:30 PM Broddaasss and Sistaaas 0:1 Result Individuals 2: Individuals United! Leitrim Park Crawford Baseball Diamond
6:30 PM Cool Beans 0:1 Result Run Like The Winded Leitrim Park Crawford Baseball Diamond


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