CoEd5#1 (Coed) » Action #1

Co-Ed 5s LEague

C18+ Jul-Sep 2013
Toronto, Ontario   Country
J. Porter (Let's Just Have Some Fun) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against Ballbarians!
Ballbarians wins CoEd5#1 Coed (Jul-Sep 2013) - Monday - Orde St.!
A. Hyland (Ballbarians) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Uken Football Club!
M. Hyland (Ballbarians) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Uken Football Club!
W. Poon (Ballbarians) scores 3 goals against Uken Football Club!
P. Da Silva (Uken Football Club) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Ballbarians!
R. Grech (Ballbarians) scores 3 goals against Let's Just Have Some Fun!
C. Knight (Let's Just Have Some Fun) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Uken Football Club!
S. Brooks (Uken Football Club): 4-goal performance against Let's Just Have Some Fun!
R. Grech (Ballbarians): 3-goal performance against Uken Football Club!
A. Hyland (Ballbarians): 3-goal performance against Uken Football Club!
C. Knight (Let's Just Have Some Fun) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Intact!
M. Vieira (Intact) scores 3 goals against Let's Just Have Some Fun!
D. Mancuso (Intact) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Let's Just Have Some Fun!
D. Mancuso (Intact) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against Uken Football Club!