CoEd6#16 (Coed) » Action #1

Extreme Toronto Sports Club League

C18+ Apr-Jul 2016
Toronto, Ontario   Country
Zed Score wins CoEd6#16 Coed (Apr-Jul 2016) - Sunday - Jesse Ketchum - I!
N. Hassan ( EventMobi City Bandits) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against DTFC 2016!
A. Portillo (Hangover 96): 3-goal performance against XTSC Block that Shot!
E. Kim (XTSC Block that Shot) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against Hangover 96!
I. Deluce (XTSC Block that Shot) gets 1 hat trick (5 goals) against EventMobi City Bandits!
J. Thomson (Squirtle Squad) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against XTSC Block that Shot!
H. Verma ( EventMobi City Bandits) scores 3 goals against XTSC Block that Shot!
B. Yoon Ho (Zed Score) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against EventMobi City Bandits!
B. Vaez ( EventMobi City Bandits) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against Squirtle Squad!
C. Hoekstra (Zed Score) gets 2 hat tricks (6 goals) against XTSC Block that Shot!
C. Hoekstra (Zed Score): 3-goal performance against EventMobi City Bandits!
A. Mohemed (Squirtle Squad) scores 3 goals against XTSC Block that Shot!
A. Portillo (Hangover 96): 3-goal performance against EventMobi City Bandits!