TH#4 (Coed) » Action #1

Ottawa Thursdays Indoor

C18+ May-Aug 2016
Ottawa, Ontario   Country
M. Lewis added a new photo (TH#4):
SupportMyMac Attack wins TH#4 Coed (May-Aug 2016) - Rec C!
J. Lecompte (Team Doug) scores 3 goals against SupportMyMac Attack!
S. Arseneau (SupportMyMac Attack) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Team Doug!
S. Arseneau (SupportMyMac Attack) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Arsenanal FC!
J. Lee (Cornerstone FC) scores 3 goals against Crowding Your Box!
P. Johnson (Crowding Your Box) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against Cornerstone FC!
N. X. (Fm FC) scores 4 goals against Mercury Man Dem!
D. Fusco (Arsenanal FC): 3-goal performance against The Miseducation!
P. Lee (Cornerstone FC) scores 3 goals against Missile-toe!
J. Zeidan (One Kick Wonders FC) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against Mercury Man Dem!
R. X. (Fm FC): 3-goal performance against Crowding Your Box!
N. X. (Fm FC): 3-goal performance against Crowding Your Box!
B. Belo (Crowding Your Box) scores 7 goals against Fm FC!
Y. Owusu (Mercury Man Dem): 6-goal performance against Arsenanal FC!
S. Arseneau (SupportMyMac Attack): 4-goal performance against Cornerstone FC!
B. Coleman (Individuals 1) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against The Miseducation!
C. Jones (Team Doug): 9-goal performance against The Miseducation!
S. Arseneau (SupportMyMac Attack) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against One Kick Wonders FC!
D. Gan (Cornerstone FC) scores 3 goals against Arsenanal FC!
J. Zeidan (One Kick Wonders FC): 4-goal performance against Cornerstone FC!
F. Champagne (Crowding Your Box) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Mercury Man Dem!
Y. Owusu (Mercury Man Dem): 4-goal performance against Crowding Your Box!
W. Cui (The Miseducation) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against SupportMyMac Attack!
H. X. (Team Doug) gets 1 hat trick (5 goals) against Fm FC!
G. Delia (JFC) scores 3 goals against Cornerstone FC!
Y. Owusu (Mercury Man Dem): 4-goal performance against The Miseducation!
G. Savaria (Individuals 1): 3-goal performance against Arsenanal FC!
D. Gan (Cornerstone FC) gets 1 hat trick (5 goals) against Fm FC!
M. Soueid (Fm FC) scores 12 goals against Cornerstone FC!