CoEd7#27 (Coed) » Action #1

Co-Ed 7s Turf League

C18+ Aug-Oct 2018
Toronto, Ontario   Country
Les Foufounes wins CoEd7#27 Coed (Aug-Oct 2018) - Monday - St Patrick!
G. Ellinas (Net Six and Chill) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Yonge Gunners!
B. Batista (Les Foufounes) scores 3 goals against Net Six and Chill!
T. Davson (Mortchester City) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against Zero FC!
F. Macdonald (Net Six and Chill): 3-goal performance against Zero FC!
T. Davson (Mortchester City): 5-goal performance against Yonge Gunners!
I. Hart (Yonge Gunners): 3-goal performance against Mortchester City!