Cleats by Dre C18+

A - Recreational
109 games played
Toronto, Ontario Country
C. Snell (Cleats by Dre) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against The Red Team!
Cleats by Dre wins CoEd7#29 Coed (Dec-Apr 2019) - Thursday - Central Tech - Div I!
S. Cunningham (Cleats by Dre) scores 3 goals against Superbad!!
K. Johnson (Cleats by Dre) scores 3 goals against Ved Revils!
S. Cunningham (Cleats by Dre): 3-goal performance against Ved Revils!
S. Cunningham (Cleats by Dre): 3-goal performance against Just for Kicks!
S. Cunningham (Cleats by Dre) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Hangover FC!
S. Cunningham (Cleats by Dre): 4-goal performance against Smells Like Team Spirit!
S. Cunningham (Cleats by Dre) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against Smells Like Team Spirit!
WTFC changes their name to Cleats by Dre
Cleats by Dre changes their name to WTFC
S. Cunningham (Cleats by Dre) scores 3 goals against :)!
WTFC changes their name to Cleats by Dre
S. Cunningham (WTFC) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Los Pollos Hermanos FC!
K. Johnson (WTFC): 3-goal performance against Inter Yamum!