Les Bleus Vikings C18+

A - Recreational
45 games played
Toronto, Ontario Country
G. Bjelajac (Les Bleus Vikings) scores 3 goals against Views from The Pitch!
Les Bleus Vikings wins CoEd7#27 Coed (Aug-Oct 2018) - Thursday - St Patrick Playoffs!
Q. Bassine (Les Bleus Vikings): 4-goal performance against Head Trauma!
T. Jansen (Les Bleus Vikings) scores 4 goals against XTSC Force!
T. Jansen (Les Bleus Vikings) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against XTSC Madrid!
Legally Fuzzy changes their name to Les Bleus Vikings
T. Boiston (Legally Fuzzy): 3-goal performance against The Red Team!
F. Assraoui (Legally Fuzzy): 3-goal performance against Kicking & Screaming!