PL United C18+

A - Recreational
61 games played
Ottawa, Ontario Country
J. Savage (PL United) scores 5 goals against Black to the Pitch!
S. Staples (PL United) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Upper Indy 1!
T. Chamoun (PL United): 3-goal performance against JFC!
J. Savage (PL United) scores 3 goals against Balls Deep!
PL United wins ORSTH2023#2 Coed (Dec-Mar 2024) - Div 3 Playoffs!
PL United wins ORSTH2023#2 Coed (Dec-Feb 2024) - Div 3!
J. Savage (PL United) scores 3 goals against Upper Indy 1!
M. Gardner (PL United) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Upper Indy 1!
J. Savage (PL United) scores 3 goals against Beginduals!
J. Savage (PL United) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Beg Indy 1!