The Cheatin Refs C18+

PAAA - International
138 games played
Toronto, Ontario Country
The Cheatin Refs wins CoEd7#1 Coed (2016-17) - Sunday - Monarch Park - Playoffs!
J. Skenderi (The Cheatin Refs) scores 3 goals against FC Hooligans!
J. Skenderi (The Cheatin Refs) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Goal Manifesto!
J. Skenderi (The Cheatin Refs): 3-goal performance against FC Hooligans!
J. Skenderi (The Cheatin Refs) scores 3 goals against FC Hooligans!
J. Skenderi (The Cheatin Refs): 4-goal performance against XTSC Rebels!
The Cheatin Refs wins CoEd7#14 Coed (Jan-May 2016) - Sunday - Monarch Park - Int Playoffs!
The Cheatin Refs wins CoEd7#14 Coed (Jan-May 2016) - Sunday - Monarch Park - Int!
J. Skenderi (The Cheatin Refs) scores 3 goals against Special Olympiakos Int!
The Cheatin Refs wins CoEd7#13 Coed (Aug-Jan 2016) - Sunday - Monarch Park - Int/Adv Playoffs!
The Cheatin Refs wins CoEd7#13 Coed (Aug-Jan 2016) - Sunday - Monarch Park - Int/Adv!
A. Truta (The Cheatin Refs) scores 3 goals against Team Nice Friends!
T. Stratan (The Cheatin Refs) scores 3 goals against Team Nice Friends!
M. Barrett (The Cheatin Refs): 3-goal performance against Team Nice Friends!
K. Kuld (The Cheatin Refs) scores 3 goals against Wildcats!
M. Barrett (The Cheatin Refs): 3-goal performance against Wildcats!
The Cheatin Refs wins CoEd7#12 Coed (Jun-Nov 2015) - Thursday - Cherry Beach - Int Playoffs!
K. Kuld (The Cheatin Refs) scores 3 goals against Special Olympiakos!
A. Truta (The Cheatin Refs) scores 4 goals against XTSC Smells Like Team Spirit!
The Cheatin Refs wins CoEd7#11 Coed (Apr-Aug 2015) - Thursday - Cherry Beach - Int Playoffs!
The Cheatin Refs wins CoEd7#11 Coed (Apr-Aug 2015) - Thursday - Cherry Beach - Int!
S. Forza (The Cheatin Refs) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against AdParlor Algos!
S. Forza (The Cheatin Refs) scores 3 goals against Quesada FC!
A. Truta (The Cheatin Refs) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Wildcats!
A. Truta (The Cheatin Refs): 6-goal performance against Les Foufounes!
J. Simone (The Cheatin Refs): 4-goal performance against Emergency FC!
A. Truta (The Cheatin Refs) scores 3 goals against SAS!
A. Tahir (The Cheatin Refs): 3-goal performance against The Hot Shots!
The Cheatin Refs wins CoEd7#1 Coed (Mar-Aug 2014) - Thursday - Cherry Beach - Comp!
S. Forza (The Cheatin Refs): 3-goal performance against Midnight Marauders!