Total Football C18+

A - Recreational
35 games played
Toronto, Ontario Country
K. Viala (Total Football): 3-goal performance against XTSC Comets!
Total Football wins CoEd6#6 Coed (Apr-Jul 2014) - Thursday - Rosedale Heights!
B. Arjomandi (Total Football): 3-goal performance against Shikari FC!
K. Viala (Total Football): 3-goal performance against Shikari FC!
Total Football wins CoEd6#1 Coed (Jul-Oct 2013) - Wednesday - Central Tech!
Total Football wins 6vs6#5 Coed (Apr-Jul 2013) - Wednesday Rosedale Heights!
K. Viala (Total Football) scores 3 goals against All the Cool Kids play with XTSC!
E. Pearce (Total Football) scores 3 goals against Matrix Mavericks!
K. Viala (Total Football): 3-goal performance against Matrix Mavericks!