We Will MESA You Up C (University)

A - Recreational
26 games played
Montreal, Quebec Country
D. Deneire (We Will MESA You Up) scores 4 goals against Brain Ballers (CRB)!
S. Rassy (We Will MESA You Up) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Shooters!
D. Deneire (We Will MESA You Up): 4-goal performance against T.A. FC!
D. Deneire (We Will MESA You Up): 3-goal performance against All in One Rhythm!
S. Gregory (We Will MESA You Up 2.0): 4-goal performance against Pipettes Never Walk Alone!
J. Guay (We Will MESA You Up 2.0) scores 5 goals against Pipettes Never Walk Alone!
S. Gregory (We will MESA you UP) scores 3 goals against Old Chancellor FC (CRD) Gold!
M. Pitts (We will MESA you UP) scores 3 goals against Old Chancellor FC (CRD) Gold!
M. Pitts (We will MESA you UP) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against Return of the D!
P. Matziorinis (We will MESA you UP) gets 1 hat trick (5 goals) against Rez & Cie!
S. Gregory (We will MESA you UP): 3-goal performance against Rez & Cie!