Cheatin Refs M18+

A - Recreational
54 games played
Toronto, Ontario Country
Cheatin Refs wins Mens 7s#21 Men (Feb-Aug 2018) - Saturday - St Patrick!
T. Stratan (Cheatin Refs) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against Mambo Kings!
M. Celik (Cheatin Refs) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Torwest Hammers!
K. Skenderi (Cheatin Refs) scores 4 goals against The Woozy Bankers!
M. Celik (Cheatin Refs) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against The Woozy Bankers!
A. Truta (Cheatin Refs) scores 3 goals against Saturdays are for the Boys(and Aleque)!
J. Skenderi (Cheatin Refs): 3-goal performance against Saturdays are for the Boys(and Aleque)!
Cheatin Refs wins Mens 7s#16 Men (Dec-Apr 2017) - Saturday - Central Tech!
D. Black (Cheatin Refs): 3-goal performance against FC Bayer Neverlusen!
Cheatin Refs wins Mens 7s#15 Men (Oct-Jan 2017) - Saturday - Lamport Playoffs!
A. Truta (Cheatin Refs): 3-goal performance against FC Bayer Neverlusen!
M. Celik (Cheatin Refs): 3-goal performance against The Bearcats!
J. Skenderi (Cheatin Refs) scores 3 goals against XTSC Hardliners!
J. Skenderi (Cheatin Refs) scores 6 goals against The Invincible Reds!
Cheatin Refs wins Mens 7s#12 Men (Jan-Jun 2016) - Early Spring Sunday - Monarch Playoffs!
Cheatin Refs wins Mens 7s#12 Men (Jan-Jun 2016) - Early Spring Sunday - Monarch!
A. Tahir (Cheatin Refs): 4-goal performance against Stallion Express!
A. Tahir (Cheatin Refs) scores 3 goals against United Nations!