A - Récréatif
65 matchs joués
Montreal, Quebec Pays
I. Rezo (TOP GUNZ): performance de 28-points vs. DOOM SQUAD!
J. Martelly (TOP GUNZ): performance de 26-points vs. AND 1!
W. Bernier (TOP GUNZ) marque 31 points vs. DADOLLE 2!
J. Dupuis (TOP GUNZ): performance de 25-points vs. 90's LEGENDS!
A. Prophete (TOP GUNZ) marque 31 points vs. PATRIOTES!
A. Prophete (TOP GUNZ) marque 31 points vs. BLUE!
A. Prophete (TOP GUNZ): performance de 35-points vs. 90's LEGENDS!
A. Prophete (TOP GUNZ) marque 27 points vs. FLINT MICHIGAN TROPICS!
A. Prophete (TOP GUNZ): performance de 41-points vs. THE PROCESS!
A. Prophete (TOP GUNZ): performance de 28-points vs. SHOOTERS!
A. Prophete (TOP GUNZ): performance de 27-points vs. PIPPEN AIN'T EASY!
A. Prophete (TOP GUNZ): performance de 35-points vs. HEAT!
A. Prophete (TOP GUNZ): performance de 25-points vs. SHOOTERS!