A - Récréatif
18 matchs joués
Montreal, Quebec Pays
J. Thornhill (RUN N GUN A2) marque 31 points vs. KATZ!
J. Rodney (RUN N GUN A2): performance de 28-points vs. EXPRESS!
J. Thornhill (RUN N GUN A2): performance de 30-points vs. BAP BAP!
J. Rodney (RUN N GUN A2): performance de 26-points vs. KATZ!
M. Zwanenburg (RUN N GUN A2): performance de 27-points vs. THE KICKS!
J. Rodney (RUN N GUN A2): performance de 29-points vs. THE KICKS!
J. Rodney (RUN N GUN A2) marque 39 points vs. EXPRESS!
M. Zwanenburg (RUN N GUN A2): performance de 31-points vs. BALLERS!
D. Walton (RUN N GUN A2): performance de 25-points vs. WILDCATS!
M. Zwanenburg (RUN N GUN A2): performance de 26-points vs. UNTOUCHABLE!
J. Heitner (RUN N GUN A2): performance de 25-points vs. KATZ!
J. Thornhill (RUN N GUN A2) marque 30 points vs. KATZ!