CoEd 6#23 (Coed) » Action #1
CoEd 6

Extreme Toronto Sports Club

C18+ Apr-Jul 2018
Toronto, Ontario   Country
Team Team wins CoEd 6#23 Coed (Apr-Jul 2018) - Sunday - Jesse Ketchum!
B. Zaimovic (Messi Situation) gets 1 hat trick (4 goals) against The Foot Faults !
M. Ujma (XTSC Sharp Shooters) scores 4 goals against Shot in the Dark!
M. Sutton (Shot in the Dark) scores 3 goals against XTSC Sharp Shooters!
R. Almeida (Team Team) scores 4 goals against Shot Disturbers!
O. Catenazzi (Shot in the Dark): 3-goal performance against Messi Situation!
S. Dedic (Messi Situation) scores 3 goals against Team Team!
A. Martel (Team Team) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against Messi Situation!
A. Martel (Team Team) gets 1 hat trick (3 goals) against XTSC Sharp Shooters!
D. Bissinger (Hangover 96) scores 3 goals against Crips FC!
R. Chan (Crips FC): 3-goal performance against Hangover 96!